So happy, able to on the computer, suddenly, don’t know what to type.
Computer here, very slow… so not sure when it will hang. Better don't complain.
Anyway, I reached Kuala Trengganu on 1st March 7.20pm, earlier then expected. The journey was very smooth. The sisters came to pick me from the terminal and dinner was waiting for me. Very quickly, unpacked (didn’t have much after all), had my shower and prayed. That’s all. I’m settled in.
Thinking back, it’s because of my long long discernment journey that helped me to settle into the house very quickly. I’m familiar with the prayer structure and the way they wash bowls… hee hee… so my initiation was easy. I really appreciate the journey and it’s meant for me…Thank God for that.
Now awaiting for my companion to arrive tomorrow and see what happens lah. Have been doing nothing, eating, reading, praying and sleeping.
Ya, so much of wanting to see stars at night, can’t even get out of the house because of mosquitoes outside… will have to wait for opportunities later.
Oh, I miss Singapore’s peacefulness. Here, I now must force myself to know about the Malaysia government and all the other stuff which I really dragged to know and learn about.
So, that’s about it lah… hopefully get to write my blog more often… then again, I can’t be always seen using the computer right!! Ermm….. see how lah..
Take care my dear friends….. missing all of you… but no choice, I chose this way of life.
Please pray for me that I will have the courage and humility… to ASK for whatever I need. No more freedom of buying and doing what I want … (will it be that bad? I don’t know yet)
1 comment:
courage! take heart and take one day at a time! you'll be fine there :-D
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